: 6 == Crew ==
  • Beware of the mooring lines They can easily hook on you

  • Always be completly

    sober on duty

  • In action, it is

    mandatory to obey the captain!

  • Security cannot only be learned from books. Security is practice and common sense.

Here is a list of common tools to help you assist me when fixing something

Pipe Wrench Pliers (Nippiltöng)

Pipe Wrench (Rörtöng)

Grip Pliers (Krafttöng)

Sparrows Jaw Plier (Spóakjaftur)

Combination Pliers (Flatkjafta)

Needle Nose Pliers (Neftöng)

Isolation Wirestripper (Afeinangrunartöng)

Crimping Tool (Krumputöng)

Screwdriver (Skrúfjárn)

Electric Tester Screwdriver (Prufuskrúfjárn)

Crosshed Screwdriver (Stjörnuskrúfjárn)

Adjustable Wrench (Skiptilykill)

Wrench (fasturlykill)

Grinder Wrench (Flanslykill)

Ratchet Socket Adapter (ToppaStćkkun)

Ratchet Extension (toppframlenging)

Socket Wrench (Toppur)

Ratchet (Skrall)

Ratchet Key (Skralllykill)

Drill Bit Holder (skrúfubitahaldari)

Allen Key (Sexkantur)

Flat Rasps (Ţjöl-flöt)

Claw Hook Tool (Kassajárn)

Hoof Hammer (Klaufhamar)

Staple Gun (Heftibyssa)

Glue (Lím)

Adhesive Tape (Límband)

Isolation Adhesive Tape (Einangrunarlímband)

Rule/Measuring Tape (Málband)

Ohmmeter (Ohmmćlir)

Plunger (Drullusokkur)

Vise (Skrúfstykki)

High Speed Polisher (Slípurokkur)

Jigsaw (Stingsög)

Electric Driller (Borvél)

Steel Drill (Stálbor)

Flat Wood Drill (Axarbor)

Wood Drill (Trébor)


Those who enforce the law must obey the law.